Saturday, January 10, 2009

I am bald

Hie my blog followers, I had my head shaven bald... No, I am not going to become a monk, I just have some problems lately which are not within my control. Shockingly bald? Check it out...



Akira 思胜 said...

What the....? (Speechless...)

What is happening to you? Facing any problem?

yanchee said...

Problems of hair becoming untidy, even after I comb it. So that is a problem of my gene, which is not within my control :D

Akira 思胜 said...

I see, then I think you will have to wait lotsa time for the hair to grow longer...

迷迭香 said...

untidy ?
due to natural curls ?

yanchee said...

yes, untidy and natural curl. I tried putting on those good hairwax, it works on the front, but I can't style behind. When the slightest curl is back, I'll cut it short again.

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daily reviews and rants about music, life and any thoughts appeared in my mind.